Corporations/businesses wishing to make a difference in the community by supporting My Sister’s Place can take advantage of a unique and hassle-free donation opportunity – the My Sister’s Place Corporate Drop Bin Program.
My Sister’s Place Corporate Drop Bins collect large donations of clothing and household items from corporations/businesses and their interested employees via collection bins that the corporation/business agrees to host at one or more of their employee work sites. The bins are provided and set up free of charge by My Sister’s Place staff and are emptied on a regularly scheduled basis. All employers need do is encourage employees to utilize the bins to donate their unwanted, but good quality items to My Sister’s Place.
Corporations/businesses interested in participating in The My Sister’s Place Corporate Drop Bin Program should contact My Sister’s Place (203) 734-2960, or email
to schedule an appointment.
For more information about My Sister’s Place donations, call (203) 734-2960.